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Nourriture et boissons

In the "Good Manufacturing Practice for Beverage Enterprises" (GB12695-2003), it is required that the filling area is partially Class 100 (Level 5), the clean area is Class 10000 (Level 7), and the quasi-clean area is Class 100000 (Level 8).

Other design codes include: 

Technical Codes for Building Cleanrooms in the Food Industry GB50687-2011, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design Code GBJ50019-2003, Cleanroom Plant Design Code GB50073-2001, Cleanroom Construction and Acceptance Codes JGJ71-90, Codes for Construction of Acceptance Quality of Ventilation and Air-conditioning Projects GB50243-2002, Specifications for Construction and Acceptance of Refrigeration Equipment Installation Projects GB50210-2001,  Specifications for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control in Civil Construction Projects GB50325-2001

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Wiskind Cleanroom Inc.

Wiskind Cleanroom se spécialise dans le système de clôture de salle blanche, le système de plafond, les portes et les fenêtres de salle blanche et le développement de produits connexes, la fabrication, les ventes, le conseil et les services.

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